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**our survivor one-stop shop**

We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to working with domestic violence survivors and their families.  

Lets examine how we do that...


- recovery courses for victims of abuse

- professionals training programmes

- workplace training and policy support

- webinars

- pastoral care and support  

- emergency aid

- agency referrals

- signposting to complimentary services 

- access to resources 

- beneficial partnerships & introductions


- women affected by domestic abuse

- men affected by domestic abuse

- children affected by domestic abuse

- teenagers 

- veterans

- victims of faith (cult) abuse

- men working with men against VAWG

- professionals working with the public

- workplaces and employers


- online learning programmes 

- group session therapy work via zoom & teams

- face to face training programmes

- face to face support

- home visits 

- telephone calls

- survivor lighthouse events

Mission: About


The Survivor Lighthouse CIC ethos and aim is to provide a multi-faceted and holistic, compassionate approach to our Domestic Violence support service.

We believe survivor education is only one element of that and to reflect this, we provide weekly daytime and evening Freedom Programme courses, alongside a very 'hands on' pastoral care; offering complimentary services, signposting to sister organisations, making referrals to our new partnerships, and providing some fantastic Survivor Lighthouse only opportunities and benefits.

Another key part of our pledge to fighting Domestic Violence is to work with and alongside the professionals, workplaces and employers to ensure that anyone working with survivors fully comprehends and recognises the many complex facets of abuse, and how abusers and victims act, the myths and misconceptions and also recovery and healing for survivor families. 

We believe anyone entrusted to working with survivors has a civic responsibility to have the most up-to-date, robust and accurate knowledge base to ensure that they act appropriately, with compassion and moreover, educated insight, and we actively encourage requests from all professionals. 

We have several fantastic partnerships and collaborations which mean that we have an excellent community reach and visibility.  

Thank you for your continuing support;  helping us to help others.

The Survivor Lighthouse Family.

Mission: Welcome


  • To raise awareness of domestic violence (DV) in the immediate and wider community

  • To provide educational programmes, , support resources and additional services (where possible and applicable) to all survivors

  • To provide age-appropriate education for children regarding seeking healthy relationships, support mechanisms for exposure to abuse, and promoting positive futures

  • To provide educational programmes to professionals who work in the field of DV or look to improve their skill set / widen knowledge, thus ensuring more proficient safeguarding and a better care provision

  • To signpost and refer our clients where appropriate / necessary

  • To secure / provide emergency care packages for those fleeing DV including familes / children / young adults

  • To work / partnership with suitable organisations to offer an encompassing service

  • To appropriately advocate for those in our care / their homes / refuge / care settings / childrens centres to ensure their voices are heard

  • To secure funds to run and improve the service

  • To peacebly campaign for the rights of survivors of DV and champion positive change

Mission: Text

"Some people feel threatened by the concept that abuse is a solvable problem, because if it is, there's no excuse for not solving it."

Lundy Bancroft

Mission: Text
Mission: Image

from the ashes, we will rise

We are survivors.

We are here to tell our stories.

We are here to promote awareness.

We are here to champion.  

We are here to propel change.  

We are here to take our experience and turn it into opportunity to help others.   

Abuse thrives in silence.  It is time to shout.  

Mission: Mission
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